École polytechnique :
MINES ParisTech Ingénieur / Master Cellules et filières PV Ecole d’Ingénieurs Sup Galilée,
Paris13 Ingénieur / Master Conversion photovoltaïque (PV) de l’énergie solaire
PSL Master Photovoltaïque Université d’Evry Master Matériaux pour la conversion photovoltaïque (PV) de l’énergie solaire
• Participation of several JRU members in the framewwork of the summer school “Physics of Solar Cells: from basic principles to advanced characterization” – At les Houches School of Physics,
Lien avec les Écoles doctorales :
• ED397 Material science and Nano objects
• ED388 Physical and analytical chemistry in Paris Centre
Participation to the French “fête de la Science”, to “Pint of Science”, to the 80 years anniversary of the CNRS.
See the video of Daniel Lincot on historical experiments from ‘Edmond Becquerel, the French scientist that discovered the photovoltaic effect (In French).