Technologies and processes

  1. Development for technological fields
    1. C-SI
    2. Chalcogénures
    3. Perovskites & Nouveaux composés
    4. III-V & concepts hauts rendements
  2. Solar cells technologies
    1. Tandems & Multijonctions
    2. Lift-off & bonding, Nanophotonique
    3. Functional evolutions
  3. Processes for solar energy
    1. Methods of depositing thin films
    2. Conversion of solar energy into energy


  1. Characterization and modeling
    1. Devices (Opto-electronics)
    2. Materials (Nano, photoelectrons, …)
    3. Processes (in situ, operando)
  2. Reliability and durability
    1. Ageing (mechanisms)
    2. Failure Analysis
    3. Environmental aspects
  3. Photovoltaic Science
    1. Basic questions
    2. Optimization methodologies
    3. New conversion concepts

Ongoing research projects

French Research agency (ANR) projects

  • Hanami (2018-) : Innovative method to design ALD precursors for new advanced functional materials. Coordinator : N. Schneider (JRU-IPVF)

  • HexaNW (2018-) : Liquid Vapor growth of silicon nanowires of hexagonal diamond phase . Coordinator : J.L. Maurice (LPICM), PI from the IPVF JRU : : JF Guillemoles

  • Epinal (2018-) : Efficient Passivation of InP in Liquid Ammonia. Coordinator : A.M. Goncalves (ILV), PI from the IPVF JRU : : L. Lombez

  • Ultimed (2019-) : Atomic-level control over ultrathin 2D layers of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides by a Molecular Layer Deposition route, Coordinator : H. Renevier, PI from the IPVF JRU : N. Schneider

  • ICEMAN (2019 -) : Hot carriers solar cells. L. Lombez ; PI from the IPVF JRU : : D. Suchet

  • ANR MOPGA (2018-) : InHyMat-PV “Interfaces and Hybrid Materials for Photovoltaics” . Coordinator: P. Schulz

    Recently finished ANR project s:


  • Nanocell (2016-2019) : S. Collin (C2N), PI from the IPVF JRU : : L. Lombez


  • Indeed (2016-2019) : D. Bellet (LGMP), PI from the IPVF JRU : : D. Lincot

European projects

  • CITYSOLAR (2020-) -Transparent multi-junction solar modules developed from near-ultraviolet perovskite and near-infrared organic solar cells. 


  • PERCISTAND (2019-): Development of innovative materials and processes for perovskite on chalcogenide tandem appliances. Coordinators : PI UMR-IPVF : D. LINCOT and P. SCHULZ


  • ARCIGS (H2020 : 2017- 2020): Advanced architectures for ultra-thin high-efficiency CIGS solar cells with high Manufacturability. Coordinator : M. Edoff (UU), PI UMR-IPVF : N. Naghavi


  • DURACIS (Solar-ERA Net 2017-2020 ): Coordinator : M. Perez-Rodriguez (IREC), PI UMR-IPVF : N. Schneider


  • FACE Fundation – Thomas Jefferson fund (2019- ) “Durability of Halide Perovskite Solar Cells”. PI UMR-IPVF N. Schneider

Involvement in Research networks (French and international)

  • NextPV Japanese-French Laboratory for Next generation Photovoltaic Cells with University of Tokyo, CNRS and university of Bordeaux : 4 Japanese laboratory and 9 French laboratoires


  • Participation to the research federation  FedPV


  • Participation to the French research network (GDR) on halide perovskite GDR Hpero


  • Participation to  GDR Solar Fuels


  • Participation to GDR RAFALD : N. Schneider (adjoint director)


  • COST Multiscale Solar : MultiscaleSolar – Multiscale in modelling and validation for solar photovoltaics. Coordinator : J. Connoly (IPVF)


  • COST HERALD (Hooking together European research in atomic layer deposition).

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