Daniel Lincot is a visiting professor on the annual Liliane Bettencourt Technological Innovation Chair at the Collège de France, 2021-2022.


Daniel Lincot is a visiting professor on the annual Liliane Bettencourt Technological Innovation Chair at the Collège de France, 2021-2022.

Daniel Lincot is a researcher at the CNRS and has been involved in research in the field of photovoltaic solar energy since 1978, where he has contributed to significant advances. His speciality is the interface between chemistry, materials and photovoltaics. He is the author of more than three hundred publications and twenty-two patents.

He is invited for the year 2021-2022 to the Liliane Bettencourt Technological Innovation Chair.

Click below to follow his lectures (inaugural lecture at the Collège de France on 20 January 2022).

Click below to read his interview « Solar energy will be at the heart of the energy transition », 13 December 2021.


The inaugural lecture will be followed by a series of courses and seminars which are scheduled until mid-March (Courses and seminars are free of charge, without prior registration).

    20 January 2022

18:00 19:00 – Inaugural lecture by Daniel Lincot

    26th January 2022

14:00 15:30 – Analysis of the resource and its transformations by Daniel Lincot

15:30 16:30 – The solar resource: importance, variability, means of characterization and forecasting by means of Earth observation by Philippe Blanc

    02 February 2022

14:00 15:30 – History of photovoltaic technologies (1839-2021): almost two centuries of discoveries, innovations and human adventures by Daniel Lincot

15:30 16:30 – Edmond Becquerel and technological innovation: physics « applied to arts and industry » by Christine Blondel

    09 February 2022

14:00 15:30 – The rise of modern photovoltaics: fundamental aspects of photovoltaic conversion by Daniel Lincot

15:30 16:30 – Searching for ultimate performance in photovoltaic conversion by Jean François Guillemoles

    16 February 2022

14:00 15:30 – Crystalline Silicon Technology by Daniel Lincot

15:30 16:30 – Thirty years of technological and industrial developments in crystalline silicon solar cells by Étienne Drahi

    23 February 2022

14:00 15:30 – Thin film technologies (aSi, CdTe, CIGS, GaAs) by Daniel Lincot

15:30 16:30 – Low temperature plasma processes for the deposition of silicon thin films: from amorphous to crystalline by Pere Roca i Cabarrocas

    02 March 2022

14:00 15:30 – Emerging technologies and new concepts (multijunction, perovskites, organic, photoelectrochemical) by Daniel Lincot

15:30 16:30 – Hybrid halogenated perovskites: new semiconductors adapted to the challenges of photovoltaics by Emmanuelle Deleporte

    09 March 2022

14:00 15:30 – From cell to system by Daniel Lincot

15:30 16:30 Seminar on Architecture, reliability and evolution of photovoltaic systems by Anne Migan-Dubois

    16th March 2022

14:00 15:30 – Photovoltaic and energy transition. Visions in 10 years, 30 years by Daniel Lincot

15:30 16:30 – The future in the light of current local experiences and developments by André Joffre

    21 April 2022

Symposium: « Solar energy and society » by Daniel Lincot

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