IPVF – Internship and/or PhD Thesis – Fabrication of Perovskite Solar Cells and Modeling of Advanced Nanoscale Characterization Techniques to Study Interfaces


Function:                 Internship

Contract :                Internship agreement

Start :                        March/April 2024

Duration :                 6 months

Working place :     IPVF – 18 boulevard Thomas Gobert, 91120 Palaiseau

                                  GeePs – 11 rue Joliot Curie , 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette 

Education:                M.S./Engineer degree in condensed-matter/solid-state

                                   physics, physics of semiconductors or related.



Become an actor of the Energy Transition by joining a team driven by innovation and impact to address today’s most decisive challenges.

IPVF – Institut Photovoltaïque d’Île-de-France, is a global Research, Innovation and Education center, which mission is to accelerate energy transition through science & technology.

Bringing together recognized industrial leaders (TotalEnergies, EDF, Air Liquide, Horiba and Riber) and world-renowned academic research teams (CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique), IPVF’ multidisciplinary and international teams conduct research dedicated to clean energy technologies (photovoltaics, green hydrogen, etc.). IPVF has built an ambitious scientific and technological research program, divided into 5 programs and 19 sub-projects, to achieve this objective.
These programs are based on a high-level experimental platform of 8,000 m², located in Paris-Saclay, and comprising more than 100 cutting-edge equipment worth €30M.




IPVF is looking for a Intern (to continue as a Ph.D. student) to work on unraveling perovskite interfaces behaviors through the fabrication of lateral heterojunction perovskite devices and advanced nanoscale characterization and device modeling.

This PhD position will be carried out within the frame of the IPVF Program named CHARMING (reliability, characterization, modeling), in close collaboration between IPVF and GeePs (laboratoire de génie électrique et électronique de Paris).

The main objective of the thesis will be to (i) fabricate optimized lateral heterojunction devices (a tool to study and optimize perovskite-based solar cells) and (ii) to characterize its interfaces based on advanced nanoscale techniques and modeling. 


(i) Development and optimization of the lateral heterojunction (LHJ) samples:
We have recently developed a specific device architecture which enable to better study the interplay of interfaces between absorber (perovskite) and transport layers (ETL/HTL). Next step is the optimize the device architecture and better apprehend the different nanofabrication steps in order to fabricate high-quality lateral heterojunction devices.

(ii) Modeling of characterization.
Advanced nanoscale characterization will be performed on the developed LHJ samples in order to finely study the (electronic) behavior of perovskite-based devices. Modeling of the characterization techniques will be employed to better understand and unravel the data obtained.

Interfaces are a critical issue for the development of perovskite cells with effects on performances and stability. In this context, a complete understanding of the behavior of such devices, based on nanoscale analyses and modeling is crucial.

Design and modification of interfaces, always a critical issue for semiconductor devices, has become a primary tool to harness the full potential of halide perovskite (HaP)-based optoelectronics, including photovoltaics and light-emitting diodes. In particular, the outstanding improvements in HaP solar cell performance and stability can be primarily ascribed to a careful choice of the interfacial layout in the layer stack. For this purpose, we need to elucidate the basic physical and chemical properties of the exposed HaP thin film and crystal surfaces, including topics such as surface termination, surface reactivity, and electronic structure. Furthermore, experimental results on the energetic alignment processes at the interfaces between the HaP and transport and buffer layers also need to be tackled (e.g. impact of the interface formation on device performance, considering effects such as chemical reactions and surface passivation on interface energetics and stability).

IPVF has an extensive experience in perovskite solar cells, nanoscale fabrication and characterization, and devices/materials modeling.

The PhD student will work in close relationship with highly qualified scientists. This environment gives the PhD candidate many opportunities to tackle this project challenge and gain experience.

Publications related to this PhD thesis:
On the equilibrium electrostatic potential and light-induced charge redistribution in halide perovskite structures

Surface Photovoltage Study of Metal Halide Perovskites Deposited Directly on Crystalline Silicon

Halide Perovskites: Is It All about the Interfaces?





– Engineer/Master degree in condensed-matter/solid-state physics, physics of semiconductors or related.



– Prior experience in modeling is a plus / code or script development.
– Demonstrated experience in thin-film photovoltaics device fabrication and characterization is an asset.




– Curious, enterprising, and creative.
– Autonomous.
– Excellent communication (written and oral) skills.
– Collaboration with cross-functional and diverse teams.



Cover letter and résumé to be sent to:





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  • +33(0)1 69 86 58 60
  • contact@ipvf.fr
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