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Key sample information

Maximum Sample Size: 20×20 cm² (typically 1 standard wafer size)
Maximum Sample Height: 1 mm

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Practical information

Manufacturer: Semilab
Model: PV-2000A

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What is it for?

The PCD (Photo-Conductance Decay) technique is used to determine carrier lifetime. It does not require contacts and is nondestructive.

Microwave detected PhotoConductance Decay (µ-PCD) Carrier lifetime measurement is a useful technology for incoming wafer inspection, quality control and process monitoring in wafer manufacturing as well as in solar cell manufacturing. The microwave induced photoconductive decay method is the most common way of measuring minority carrier lifetime in silicon. This method excels due to its reliability, good reproducibility and the short measurement time that permits of making lifetime maps with high resolution.

How does it work?

The photoconductance decay method is used to measure the minority charge carrier lifetime. It relies on the measurement of the excess conductance right after a very short light pulse (laser). µ-PCD detects the photoconductivity by measuring the reflection of a microwave at the sample surface.

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