Newsletter IPVF – February 2020


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Already 6 years ! In 2014, the Institut Photovoltaïque d’Île-de-France (IPVF) was launched within the framework of a French national program aiming at the creation of institutes for energy transition (ITE, one of the « Investments for the Future » supported by the French government) and it is time to repeat our warm backing to this wonderful joint adventure, and of course to the team working at IPVF.

In this structure, the CNRS works in close collaboration with the Ecole Polytechnique and major industrial players in the photovoltaic sector that are EDF, TOTAL, AIR LIQUIDE, CNRS, HORIBA and RIBER. The CNRS ambition is to contribute to gather all the necessary skills to develop the fundamental research underpinning the whole ITE program, taking advantage of its upstream vision of research. We share with our partners a strong appetite for designing the ultimate devices in the PV field, taking advantage of the cutting-edge research that is run at IPVF at the frontier between chemistry engineering and physics. New solar tandem cells, efficient and stable perovskites, high conversion efficiencies and cell performance are all high on our agenda and innovations in the promising solar-to-fuel area have recently been added to these hot topics.

Today, 10 permanent CNRS staff members work full time in the joint-laboratory, to which can be added a bunch of scientists, nationwide, committed to working on the projects of the IPVF program and reaching the Saclay site for this purpose.

Obviously, IPVF is a key-player of the national research infrastructures on PV. Being both a center for advanced research and an open technological platform, it is the beachhead of a network of labs partners of the ITE project and is strongly involved in this joint research program. Furthermore, IPVF has much more than a national ambition: in interaction with the best French and international teams, IPVF aims at becoming one of the world’s leading research, innovation and training centers in the field of photovoltaic solar energy. Useless to insist: we do strongly support this aspiration!

Last, not least, the new-born Université Paris Saclay and, more broadly, the Ile de France Region, are delighted to host one of the world champion of the transition toward an energy mix that will contribute to limiting global warming.

In short, we wish to deeply acknowledge the superb team who has been carrying the IPVF on the baptismal font, and in particular its Chairman, Jean-François Minster, its CEO, Bruno Carlotti and its Scientific Director, Daniel Lincot. Under their guidance, a fully operative research structure has arisen, based on a unique public-private model, supported by the French government research and innovation program (“Secrétariat général pour l’investissement”). We insist on expressing our greatest confidence in the current leadership: CEO Roch Drozdowski-Strehl, Scientific Director Pere Roca i Cabarrocas, and Programs Director Christophe Bonelli. We wish them the biggest successes! CNRS is extremely proud to back you as we are confident that the next breakthroughs and innovations in the PV field will be made in IPVF.

Jean-Yves Marzin, Directeur INSIS
Claire-Marie Pradier, Directrice Adjointe Scientifique INC
Jacques Maddaluno, Directeur INC

[/et_pb_testimonial][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row _builder_version= »4.0.1″][et_pb_column type= »4_4″ _builder_version= »4.0.1″][et_pb_cta title= »IPVF newsletter PDF » button_url= » » url_new_window= »on » button_text= »Download » _builder_version= »4.3.4″ background_color= »#0c71c3″ use_background_color_gradient= »on » background_color_gradient_start= »#3182A1″ background_color_gradient_end= »#B9D6E1″ custom_button= »on » button_icon= »%%28%% »][/et_pb_cta][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]

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Newsletter IPVF – February 2020

[et_pb_section fb_built= »1″ _builder_version= »3.29.3″][et_pb_row _builder_version= »4.0.1″ width= »100% »][et_pb_column type= »4_4″ _builder_version= »3.29.3″][et_pb_testimonial portrait_url= » » _builder_version= »4.3.4″ text_orientation= »center » box_shadow_style= »preset1″]

Already 6 years ! In 2014, the Institut Photovoltaïque d’Île-de-France (IPVF) was launched within the framework of a French national program aiming at the creation of institutes for energy transition (ITE, one of the « Investments for the Future » supported by the French government) and it is time to repeat our warm backing to this wonderful joint adventure, and of course to the team working at IPVF.

In this structure, the CNRS works in close collaboration with the Ecole Polytechnique and major industrial players in the photovoltaic sector that are EDF, TOTAL, AIR LIQUIDE, CNRS, HORIBA and RIBER. The CNRS ambition is to contribute to gather all the necessary skills to develop the fundamental research underpinning the whole ITE program, taking advantage of its upstream vision of research. We share with our partners a strong appetite for designing the ultimate devices in the PV field, taking advantage of the cutting-edge research that is run at IPVF at the frontier between chemistry engineering and physics. New solar tandem cells, efficient and stable perovskites, high conversion efficiencies and cell performance are all high on our agenda and innovations in the promising solar-to-fuel area have recently been added to these hot topics.

Today, 10 permanent CNRS staff members work full time in the joint-laboratory, to which can be added a bunch of scientists, nationwide, committed to working on the projects of the IPVF program and reaching the Saclay site for this purpose.

Obviously, IPVF is a key-player of the national research infrastructures on PV. Being both a center for advanced research and an open technological platform, it is the beachhead of a network of labs partners of the ITE project and is strongly involved in this joint research program. Furthermore, IPVF has much more than a national ambition: in interaction with the best French and international teams, IPVF aims at becoming one of the world’s leading research, innovation and training centers in the field of photovoltaic solar energy. Useless to insist: we do strongly support this aspiration!

Last, not least, the new-born Université Paris Saclay and, more broadly, the Ile de France Region, are delighted to host one of the world champion of the transition toward an energy mix that will contribute to limiting global warming.

In short, we wish to deeply acknowledge the superb team who has been carrying the IPVF on the baptismal font, and in particular its Chairman, Jean-François Minster, its CEO, Bruno Carlotti and its Scientific Director, Daniel Lincot. Under their guidance, a fully operative research structure has arisen, based on a unique public-private model, supported by the French government research and innovation program (“Secrétariat général pour l’investissement”). We insist on expressing our greatest confidence in the current leadership: CEO Roch Drozdowski-Strehl, Scientific Director Pere Roca i Cabarrocas, and Programs Director Christophe Bonelli. We wish them the biggest successes! CNRS is extremely proud to back you as we are confident that the next breakthroughs and innovations in the PV field will be made in IPVF.

Jean-Yves Marzin, Directeur INSIS
Claire-Marie Pradier, Directrice Adjointe Scientifique INC
Jacques Maddaluno, Directeur INC

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